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Tertiary Grants

The Trustees of the above Land Trust recognises that education is the key to personal, whanau, hapu and iwi development.  For this reason the Trustees have allocated $5,000 to support tertiary educational achievement of shareholders in the Ngatarawa Ahu Whenua land blocks or their direct descendants.

Successful Recipients

The Trustees congratulate all successful applicants and wish all our tauira well in their future endeavours.


Tertiary Grant Recipients

  1. Bea Harrison

  2. Eve Kireka

  3. Kaya Karetu-Cafferrey

  4. Leilani Wong


Tertiary Grant Recipients

  1. Dante Steffert

  2. Bea Harrison

  3. Susan Matenga


Tertiary Grant Recipients

  1. Jalen Gemmell

  2. Laura Gemmell

  3. Wairakei Saena

  4. Kellann Kemp

  5. Dante Steffart

  6. Eve Kireka

  7. Leilani Wong 

  8. Bea Harrison



Tertiary Grant Recipients

  1. Jalen Gemmell

  2. Marnie Baker

  3. Brandon Harrison

  4. Dante Steffart

  5. Eve Kireka

  6. Leilani Wong 


2019 Recipients

Tertiary Grant 

  1. Eve Kireka

  2. Shaarai Harris


2018 Recipients

Tertiary Grant 

  1. Marnie Baker

  2. Eve Kireka

  3. Ethan Browne

  4. Brandon Harrison


2017 Recipients

Tertiary Grant 

1. Pania Browne

2. Eve Kireka


2016 Recipients

Ohiti Tertiary Grant

1. Alex Starnes

2. Shaarai Harris

3. Zealandia Cleal

4. Hemi Wong


2015 Recipients

Ohiti Tertiary Grant

  1. Rana McClutchie 

  2. Moana Murray-McCaul

  3. Raiha Hine Huata 


​2014 Recipients

Tertiary Grant

  1. Pania Browne 

  2. Moana Murray-McCaul 

  3. Raiha Hine Huata 

  4. Sheridan Mere Olsen 




  • To encourage and recognise the pursuit of academic excellence, knowledge and qualifications of our whanau.

  • The maximum amount paid to each applicant is at the discretion of the Trustees.

  • All applicants that have previously applied for a Tertiary Grant must provide a copy of their results.




  • The 2024 Tertiary Grant applications are open and close at 4pm, 20 June 2024

  • All applicants were informed of the decision by 23 June 2024

  • Disbursement of Tertiary Grants were paid by 24 June 2024 by direct credit into the applicant's bank account and confirmed by email.

  • Successful applicants have been placed on this website and will be  announced at the following Annual General Meeting.

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